1. First, you need to download the Android File Transfer app.
2. Plug your Android phone into your computer.
3. In the drop-down menu, click on USB connection to the computer then on Transfer files.
4. The Android File Transfer app will open automatically after a few seconds.
5. Go into the « DCIM » folder.
6. To retrieve your files (photos or videos) recorded using your traditional camera, you simply need to go to the« Camera » folder.
7. If you have a CROSSCALL TREKKER-X4 smartphone, you simply need to go to the« Xcamera » folder to retrieve the files (photos or videos) recorded using the X-CAM :
- If you want to retrieve an X-STORY > Go to the X-STORY folder.
- If you want to retrieve your non-X-STORY videos > Go to the video folder and select the folder that matches your video type (Dashcam, Dynamic, Time Lapse…).