Comment optimiser les coûts de sa flotte mobile professionnelle ?

   -   April 5, 2023

Le numérique a bousculé nos modes de vie, nos habitudes d’achat ou encore notre façon de travailler. Le smartphone est devenu un réel outil dans l’univers professionnel où il est au centre de l’espace de travail mobile des collaborateurs. Plus compact, plus sécurisé et plus mobile qu’un ordinateur, il accompagne les entreprises dans leurs enjeux de digitalisation avec la gestion de l’ensemble de leurs usages métiers.

Crosscall: A key player in the defence & security sector

Ever since it was founded, Crosscall has been designing and manufacturing resistant, waterproof, and durable smartphones that work equally as well on a day-to-day basis as they do in the long run. By focusing its development around the user, Crosscall has been able to design and produce custom solutions that have won over major figures in the European security and defence market.

Standing testament to this, almost 300,000 agents are currently kitted out with Crosscall solutions, helping them to effectively and efficiently complete their daily missions.

Thanks to feedback from the field, we've been able to further develop and build on our solutions and ecosystem to make sure that we're optimally responding to the needs of this demanding sector. As part of this work,

As a member of TCCA (The Critical Communications Association), our teams have worked in cooperation with TCCA and its members to drive the establishment of the Band 68 ecosystem. Band 68 is a bandwidth dedicated to public safety in most European countries. This allows for a frequency that can't be accessed by the general public, so forces can deploy fluid and secure communications in any conditions. As part of this our team in collaboration with Qualcomm has developed the world's first smartphone compatible with Band 68.

"Verbatim TCCA"

“The joint work of TCCA members in developing the Band 68 ecosystem has been one of the greatest achievements in recent times, enabling most of all public safety to have dedicated broadband spectrum for their operations,” says Tero Pesonen, TCCA’s Critical Communications Broadband Group chair. “It is very encouraging to see Band 68 supporting products entering the market.”

Smartphone durci Crosscall pour professionnel

Les smartphones ont d’ailleurs bien évolué et s’adaptent aujourd’hui parfaitement aux besoins des professionnels : performance, taille et résolution de l’écran, gestion multi-tâches, tout est aujourd’hui pensé pour les accompagner et leur fournir des solutions sur mesure quels que soient leurs domaines d’activités. Les tablettes ne sont pas en reste et se font une place de choix pour des démonstrations lors de rendez-vous commerciaux ou pour visionner des plans ou des projections d’aménagement directement sur le terrain. 

Meet the CORE-Z5: the first smartphone compatible with band 68

With the CORE-Z5, professionals get a communication tool with a lighter and more modern design than traditional radios, and can communicate over extremely high-speed networks. This smartphone powerfully combines a rugged design with top performances, with every last detail developed to perfectly cater to the requirements of critical missions.

Featuring four programmable buttons, easy to use even when wearing gloves, the CORE-Z5 transforms into a walkie-talkie 2.0, enabling users to communicate and share content in a way that was previously impossible over low-speed networks (photos, videos, real-time geolocation, etc.), simultaneously with multiple people, and with no limits on distance. Its 2W and 100 dB speaker means that it delivers optimal, crystal-clear communications even in noisy environments.

Compatible with private 4G and 5G mobile networks, the CORE-Z5 covers multiple private network bands: n28, n38, n40, n77 for 5G, and bands 28, 38, 40, and 68 for the 4G network.It's therefore the world's first smartphone to be compatible with Band 68 (700 MHz), giving actors in the security and emergency service sectors to communicate with one another, across a dedicated spectrum with a high level of security

Crosscall's offer is growing with the STELLAR range

With a slimmer design and high levels of performance of durability, the STELLAR-X5 is adding to the Crosscall offer for critical communications, developed for users working in command positions.

Featuring two programmable buttons, it can also be used as a walkie-talkie, allowing users to communicate over private network bands and even Band 68. With this powerful tool developed with their needs in mind, command teams can communicate with teams in the field reliably and securely.

Compatible with all Crosscall solutions, the STELLAR-X5 can also cater to other needs, ranging from tracking activities to replacing computers, or even simply being used for business telephony.

Just like the CORE-Z5, the STELLAR-X5 comes with a 5-year guarantee, including battery cover. Crosscall has also committed to provide three OS and security patch upgrades throughout the guarantee period.

Want to find out more about our smartphones and solutions? Get in touch with our teams.

Smartphone durci Crosscall pour professionnel

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