This is how we change our ecosystem

Creating the conditions necessary for change in our industry by collaborating with the actors in our ecosystem.

A collective

Developing a more sustainable telephony industry is an ambitious goal that requires a collective commitment.

We want to embark our entire ecosystem in this direction, to transform our production and consumption practices:

• our suppliers, by framing our relationships through charters and policies, regularly monitoring compliance with their commitments, and moving towards a spirit of partnership driven by shared values.

• our customers, by promoting more sustainable solutions and raising awareness of the need to consume differently and more responsibly.

Our actions

Carried out during the 2024 financial year*

Making progress in responsible purchasing

We are implementing the commitments we formalised in our Responsible Purchasing Policy around two key principles:

• Act as a responsible purchaser.

For example, this year we trained all users of the internal purchasing process in responsible purchasing.

• Involve our suppliers in our CSR approach.

This year, we continued to audit key suppliers, the majority of them being tier 2. A total of 19 audits have been carried out over the course of the 2023 and 2024 financial years, with corrective action plans put in place and monitored.

Promoting more responsible behaviour among our customers

Crosscall is committed to changing the consumption habits of its customers.

We aim to systematically recover the devices we sell to our professional clients at contract-end. This year, we signed the first deals that included take-back clauses. The devices we take back over the coming years as part of this clause will be refurbished in France to give them a second life!

In addition, Crosscall's communications promote durability. Examples include the campaign that accompanied the launch of the STELLAR-X5 or one-off campaigns, like this article on our blog, aimed at raising awareness among the general public of the best ways to prolong the life of their smartphone.  


Projects for fiscal year 2025*:

Revise supplier
CSR risk mapping

Update the Responsible Communications and Marketing Charter

*Our CSR objectives are set based on Crosscall’s fiscal years. Example : the 2025 fiscal year runs from April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025.

To find out more about this pillar, please consult our CSR Report.

Our other pillars

This is how we make durable products

This is how
we think local

This is how we care for our teams

This is how we act ethically and responsibly