Inside the apps of a high-mountain guide

   -   April 30, 2018



After 15 years of competition skiing in the French Team, the born-and-bred Chamionard has now turned to steep-slope skiing and mountain climbing. By doing so he joins the world’s boardsport élite, including our ambassadors Xavier De Le Rue and Aurélien Ducroz. He also appears on the “50° North” web series along with his sidekick and high-mountain guide Tony Lamiche, famous for his skills in this area. Being every day in the mountains the ACTION-X3 is obviously part of his equipment. But what’s inside a guide’s smartphone and what are the apps they use? Here’s the answer



«I use my phone especially for maps. With the Iphigénie app, there’s a function that displays slopes of more than 30°. That way I can go for the safest option and follow the right direction.


Usually, when I go to the mountains and start with 100% battery, my phone displays 70% battery at the end of the day after using GPS and data. Although I always carry the X-POWER as well, it’s pretty handy to see that your phone is not running out of charge fast and that low temperatures are not an issue.


Sometimes I record my own route, in particular when I’m on glaciers to identify ice cracks or to orientate myself through the fog. I tend to use this function more in the summer. Landmarks are different and you can easily end up finding yourself in a cloud layer.”



“It’s a good tool I use frequently with Aurélien Ducroz. It produces 3D versions of mountain faces which helps you see where you’re supposed to pass through and work your way in and out of a couloir, for instance. It’s easier for you to get an idea.”


“I use several apps and websites to compare different weather models: Weather Pro, Snowforecast, Météociel and Météo Cham. This way I can cross-check all weather forecasts to see if they’re all going in the same direction and I can also determine what spot I’ll go for based on what trip I have in mind.”


“I use it when I’m road-biking in the summer and also for my own tracking during training”.